
Important note on the term precipitation days in the diagram

There is no general definition of the term 'precipitation days' yet.The amount of precipitation is usually expressed in units of liquid water depth (e.g., centimeters or inches) of the water that has fallen on a horizontal surface at a given point and over a specific time interval (e.g., last 6 hours).However, sometimes this amount of water is so small that weather stations correctly report precipitation, but simply cannot gauge it.For example, a typical source for such 'non-measurable' precipitation is very light drizzle, dew or rime and even sea spray.Fog is the most common reason for precipitation fewer than 0.1 mm.The diagram of Luqa/Malte shows every day of precipitation including days with non-measurable precipitation. Therefore the actual number of rain days appears to be slightly too big.
Stations météo à proximité - La Valette Distance
Luqa/Malte 6.5 km
Cozzo Spadaro 108.7 km
Gela 131.9 km
Base aérienne de Sigonella 167.5 km
Catane/Fontanarosa 178.8 km
Enna 181.6 km
Lampedusa 217.7 km
Prizzi 231.2 km
Sciacca 233.2 km
Reggio de Calabre 264.9 km
Messine 272.7 km
Palerme (Aéroport) 292.8 km
Pantelleria 300.2 km
Trapani (Aéroport) 313.6 km
Ustica 338.1 km
Khoms 353.0 km
Lamezia Terme 375.4 km
Misurata 379.6 km
Mahdia 386.5 km
Kélibia Aéroport 395.9 km
Monastir Habib-Bourguiba (Aéroport) 420.1 km
Zaghonan Magrane 421.4 km
Monte Scuro 423.8 km
Bonifati 424.4 km
Zouara 424.4 km
Zouara 424.4 km
Nabeul 425.4 km
Crotone 436.8 km
Gharyan 438.1 km
Sfax/El-Maou (Aéroport) 445.7 km
Beni Ulid 453.0 km
Enfida 453.1 km
Yefren 467.5 km
Djerba Mellita (Aéroport) 472.3 km
Tunis/Carthage (Aéroport) 487.5 km
Kairouan Aéroport 492.3 km
Médenine 527.6 km
Gabès Aéroport 538.3 km
Syrte 554.0 km
Tataouine 556.8 km
Nalout 588.6 km
Santa Maria di Leuca 596.4 km
Remada Aéroport 601.4 km